Who's caught monkeypox before? I certainly haven't. I had chickenpox when I was young a couple of times but never the monkey variety. It seems it's on the rise in Africa which is getting other countries worried. Thailand has told it's various government groups to keep an eye on it and will consider ways to stop it coming into the country.

The symptoms seem similar to Covid except perhaps a bit less contagious and a bit milder. The big difference being that you will get a rash towards the end of the illness on your face which might spread to other areas of your body.
It won't be a nice thing to catch so hopefully it doesn't spread to Thailand. Also these diseases have a habit of bumping off those who are already on their death bed. We'll keep an eye on how things progress but for now it's probably no cause for concern. If any of your friends get a blotchy face send them straight to the hospital.