They made Soi Honey and Soi Diana 1-way a few months ago and it seems to have been a success. I can't say I've noticed much difference but most people have been following the rules and going the right way. Now the plan is to extend the project to other roads. More 1-way roads connecting Pattaya 2nd road up to Soi Buakhao and the same with joining Soi Buakhao up to 3rd road.
No decisioned yet on which these roads will be. Other than they did call out Soi Lenkee as being a good candidate for 1-way from Soi Buakhao up to 3rd road.

We'll find out what the plan is in the next few months. So far it doesn't look like there is any desire to make the main Soi Buakhao road itself 1-way. I believe they tried this in the past and it didn't work.
Hopefully in addition to these side road projects they will have a look into stopping all the bikes and food vendors parking along there and add some kind of sidewalk. Maybe that is wishful thinking.