It's the forecast anyway according to this article.

For those too lazy to click it basically says everything is amazing and lots more money is predicted to come in. We're up 25% this month compared to the same month last year. Particularly from the Chinese, Malaysians and South Koreans tourists. They are talking about promoting September as "Nihao Month" and are targeting 5 Chinese online travel platforms to boost the numbers. The cynical among you may be thinking are they going to spend any money in Thai owned businesses if they do come? That remains to be seen. South Koreans are doing a pretty good job of making the owners of certain Walking Street dancing bars rich. There's constant expansion there with the 2 week Korean millionaires coming over and inflating the prices in Pattaya. Probably shouldn't complain as it's good for the economy. We never hear much about the Malaysians. I wonder where they are going. Hopefully they are enjoying the beaches, culture and restaurants.