That's not far away. Usually they pick dates like 2050.
It's a great ambition for any country to try to attract foreign talent. Software is eating the world and data is the new oil etc. We've all heard it all before. I certainly have. There is some substance behind the current assertion given the recent visa changes and specifically the DTV which allows digital nomads to work in Thailand for up to 6 months at a time.
This article from AseanNow goes into some details about the numbers, predictions and some of the reasoning behind the lofty goal.

The historical issue has been pay. When you compare a salary working for a company in Bangkok, compared to the same company and job in somewhere like the US, the salary is often less than half. The article mentions trying to attract skilled foreigners over to work by providing a higher standard of living. The cost of living in Thailand is considerably lower mainly due to rent prices. You can get a very nice condo overlooking the sea in Pattaya for $500 per month. Trying to get a similarly sized condo in San Francisco would be closer to 7 times that cost.
There's also the weather in Thailand which is absolutely brilliant. Plus the food, culture and nightlife and many other things I've probably missed. Basically it's much better to live in Thailand than most other places in the world.
Personally I think they should put some emphasis on Pattaya. Not just because I live here. But Pattaya is 90 minutes drive from the main international airport in Bangkok. It's also cheaper and has beaches that make you feel like you are permanently on holiday. Let's hope that somebody important reads this and includes Pattaya in their investment strategy. Let's build a huge business park on the dark side. Let's get Apple, Google and Facebook to create campuses. Let's incentivise the universities to promote relevant degrees with a pipeline into startups. Pratumnak Hill should be the new Silicon Valley with venture capital offices springing up all over the place. Maybe I got a bit carried away. It's all good for Thailand, expats, nomads and young Thai people looking to get into the industry. This old expat is fully supportive of the endeavor. We've got 6 years to do it lets get cracking.